What’s happening at Adventurebilities.

Adventurer Update – 24 February 2021

We are back into donut days here in Victoria which is excellent news.

Our community participation programs are back up and running with usual Covid-safe measurements in place and our postponed group Adventures have been given new March dates.

Thanks for your patience with all of the changes, we know it is frustrating for many of you.


Waggle Wheels Workshop is about to begin

We are so incredibly grateful to Cassie and the entire team at Epsom Bunnings (the best, friendliest Bunnings in Australia!) for their huge donation to our Waggle Wheels program. They have supplied us all of the tools and safety gear we need to kick start our weekly build-it sessions in the Adventure Shed. Screwdriver sets, rubber mallets, ear protection and so much more, even some paint to give our buggy’s a little bling – we cannot thank Bunnings enough for supporting our program. ☺️
We still have some places available in our Waggle Wheels Workshop starting in March, so if you want to be creative, learn how to use hand tools and become part of a team, click the link below and register today, or give us a call on 0480 185 840 to find out more.


Covid Summer
What are the latest restriction changes?

  • From 11:59pm on Wednesday 17 February, Victoria went back to COVIDSafe Summer, with some additional rules.
  • There are no restrictions on reasons to leave home, but stay COVIDSafe.
  • Face masks are required everywhere indoors except in your own home. Face masks are also required outside if you cannot physically distance from others.
  • Restaurants and retail can reopen – density limits are outlined in the COVIDSafe Summer table of restrictions.
  • Offices – both public and private sectors – can return to 50 per cent of workers on-site.
  • Community facilities, entertainment venues and all other public places can reopen with some additional limits on crowd sizes:
    • seated indoor entertainment venues are capped at 50 per cent capacity, up to a maximum of 300 people
    • indoor non-seated venues, such as galleries, are capped at 50 per cent capacity up to a maximum of 300 people
    • cinemas are capped at 50 per cent of seated capacity up to a maximum of 300 people.
    • no more than five visitors are allowed to your home each day, and outdoor public gatherings with friends and family are limited to 20 people.
  • Visits to hospitals and residential aged care facilities are limited to one household each day, with some exceptions.
  • The four reasons to leave home and five-kilometre restriction will no longer apply.
  • Weddings, funerals and religious gatherings can resume with density limits.
  • Schools resume onsite learning.


further details can be found on the Victorian Department of Health website here