Partner with us.

The chances are, we all know someone with a disability.

In Australia today, there are more than 4.4 million people living with a disability, and there are over 2.65 million carers. Disability social inclusion is gaining momentum and the more we can do to help this the better the lives of those living with a disability will be.

We are currently seeking partners who can assist us to achieve our vision where anyone with a disability can experience full community inclusion and to give them a greater choice in how they can live their lives. Your organisation can show it is socially responsible through a partnership with us.

We welcome your interest in participating and look forward to collaborating and discussing how we can work together to create positive outcomes. A partnership where we both achieve our objectives.


Why should you become a partner?

Your corporate partnerships are important – they illustrate your business values to the world and can give you a competitive advantage. Supporting our organisation is no different – you could reap the benefits of being associated with a great cause while giving something back to the community.

Adventurebilities is committed to creating tailored partnerships to meet your company’s strategic objectives, while having a measured impact.

Partnership initiatives can include:

  • Partnering on your CSR model
  • Matched Giving
  • Sponsorship
  • Pro-bono support
  • Hosting a fundraising event or function

We have a number of partnership and sponsorship opportunities which may interest you.

Sponsorship Opportunities

Showcase your brand at one of our signature events across the year that involve the whole organisation, as well as regional events across Queensland and northern New South Wales. Each event offers various sponsorship levels, with a range of benefits.

Pro Bono Support

Adventurebilities is reliant on the goodwill of various organisations to provide knowledge, services, facilities and outsourced expertise, at little to no charge. At Adventurebilities, we put our participants first, often leaving us under resourced or unable to provide additional money to improve service delivery or administration support. Your support is invaluable and we are always looking for new areas and opportunities to explore this more

Corporate Fundraising

Host staff engagement activities or team building events that are fun and engaging. It could be something as simple as hosting a morning tea, or competing in a run, walk or challenge. It creates a buzz, builds motivation and is inspiring to others, all while raising much needed funds for Adventurebilities.

Project Partner

Did you know that 83% of employees would rather work for a company that supports charities and 48% would actively seek one out when job-hunting?

Adventurebilities has a wish list of projects we would like to undertake to improve the lives of people living with disability in Central Victoria. Needs range from small equipment purchases to  adventure investment.

If you’re looking for a cause to support, whether through altruistic philanthropic desires, or through a need to engage your staff in the community, we would be very grateful to hear from you.

Workplace Giving

Workplace giving is a great initiative to engage you as an employer, your employees and Adventurebilities. Staff contribute a small portion of their pre-tax salary to a great cause and if adopted across an organisation, the financial contribution is significant. Maximise the value of staff contributions by matching their donations; capping at a certain level or leaving open-ended.

Matched giving

If you have a matched giving program, where your organisation will match any funds raised by employees to our organisation, please call Heidi on 0480 185 840 or get in touch with us here.


We are extremely grateful for the ongoing support we receive from our partners, both financial and in kind.