Make a complaint.
Do you want to tell us about your experience with our service and what could be better?
A compliment is telling us about something good. We would like to hear about the things that are going well, you can click here to provide us feedback
A complaint is telling us about something you do not like or are not happy with. If you are unhappy we want to know.
You can talk to Adventurebilities staff at any time about what is wrong or making you unhappy. They will listen to you and decide what they can do to help.
You can also call the Adventurebilities office on 0480 185 840.
If you do not feel you can tell us yourself you should ask someone to help. You could ask:
– A member of your family
– Your support coordinator
– Your advocate
If you are still not happy you can make a Complaint by completing the form below.
Have you found this form difficult to complete or would prefer to make a complaint in another way? If so you can download easy to read instructions by clicking the below button or contact us on 0480 185 840 or you can email us here
The Adventurebilities Team.